Problem: Deleting a section divider results in the disappearance of the head and footer content. 

The answer is related to the “Link to Previous” feature in the page header and footer.


Section breaks—Section Dividers

In the attached example, there is only one section break in the Tech Memo template document—two sections. The first page of the second section is a section divider, which we would like to remove. 

Things to know

The document has been configured with “Different First Page” (refers to the first page of a section) in Page Setup. The header and footer of section 2, page 1 has been "unlinked" from the first section, so that section 2 can have a different graphical treatment. The “Link to Previous” is toggled off. When we make the section 3, and all subsequent sections, they will automatically have the section divider as the first page.


Removing the section divider

If we simply delete the section break before the section divider, the header/footer of section 2 takes over for the section behind it.  Now the first page of the document is a section divider!   


To remove that section break and retain the header/footer on page one of the document, we must first go into the section two first page header and turn on “Link to Previous,” and we need to do the same with the footer. This will change the first page of section 2 into the first page header in the memo. And now when that section break is deleted, the section 1 first page header remains intact.